My take on the world around me!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Garden State - excerpts

I thoroughly enjoyed this independent movie. It was written, directed and starred Zach Braff (J.D from Scrubs) and Natalie Portman; and was produced by Danny Di Vito.

"There are a handful of normal kid things I missed..

There are a handful of normal kid things I wish I had missed..."

(Don't we all!!)

Zach Braff to Natalie Portman

This one would ring true for most that have moved out of their (childhood) HOME

You know that point in your life when you realise the house you grew up in is no longer your home and all of a sudden even though you have a place to keep all your shit, that the idea of home is gone....

I don't feel at home in my house...

You'll see one day when you move out , it sort of happens and then its gone.... you can never get it back .. Its like you are home-sick for a place that does not even exist .. maybe its this right of passage and you won't have that feeling again until you create another home for your kids... maybe that's what family is.. a group of people who miss the same imaginary place...they call home..

Zach Braff to Natalie Portman

Watch it if you get the opportunity .. it was an official selection at the Sundance Festival ...


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